Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Drinking Coffee may Affect Sperm Quality

For those of you men coffee drinker, be careful. Because as quoted from the site nzherald, coffee proved naturally able to influence the quality and quantity of sperm.

Research on the relationship of coffee consumption with the sperm has been done by a group of researchers from the University of Bradford and University of California, Berkeley. The result, simply by drinking just three cups of coffee a day may increase the risk of damage to the sperm the male fans of coffee. As a result of the damage, among others, failed in an egg and gave birth to a child if the child would be born deformed.

According to Dr. Andrew Wyrobek of the University of California, who led the researchers reveal that found men who like to consume a minimum of three cups of coffee a day, have damage to the sperm. In fact, such damage can lead to chromosome damage in sperm fertilized embryo.

Further said, when the sperm were damaged then chances embryo can not develop properly even greater. In fact, the damage can also trigger the death of the embryo. In addition, if the embryos successfully grow and develop the child born will carry a genetic abnormality.

However, until the results of the study was published, Andrew and the team can not explain how kafien could damage the quality and quantity of sperm. However, they were convinced by the fact that pollution and unhealthy lifestyles can affect sperm quality, as well as coffee.

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