Friday, December 30, 2011

Many Sugar, Face Looks Older

Be careful if someone accustomed to consume drinks or food, even snacks rich in sugar content. Sebuat latest research states, high blood sugar that affects a person in the long term will result in a person look older than his age.

The findings revealed the existence of a joint study between the Leiden University Medical Centre and Unilever R & D found for the first time, the relationship between blood sugar levels in humans and facial age (the age of the face).

From these studies note that people aged between 50-70 years with high sugar levels seem older than their lower blood sugar levels. Shown that for every increase of 1 mmol / liter of blood sugar levels, a person's face will look older than 5 months.

Tests conducted on 600 men and women in the Netherlands on blood sugar levels (without fasting). The study was published in AGE, initiative Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Ageing which aims to understand how health can be maintained when a person's age increases

Diana van Heemst, associate professor at Leiden University Medical Center said,''The results of this study further demonstrates the importance of controlling blood sugar levels to one's health in middle age. Perhaps looked younger could be a motivation for someone to change his lifestyle to become healthier at around the age of 50-70 years.''

David Gunn, a senior scientist at Unilever R & D laboratory at Colworth Science Park said,''The first study is once again proving that the blood sugar levels are constantly high is not good for health also makes a person does not look young.''

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Eat Rice Can Increase Levels of Arsenic in the Body

Rice is considered by most people as a pretty healthy food. But it turns out the rice can be a real source of exposure to inorganic arsenic. Predicted daily intake of rice can increase the burden of cumulative exposure to inorganic arsenic.

Inorganic arsenic is a toxic form of arsenic in the urine.

Conclusions are based on the results of research Michael S. Bloom, PhD, assistant professor at the University at Albany, New York. The study measured levels of arsenic in urine from 229 pregnant women in New Hampshire. New Hampshire is a U.S. state in which 40 percent of people obtain water from wells.

Well water sometimes have higher levels of arsenic than water that has been processed by the water company, which must meet federal safety standards.

Researchers examined levels of arsenic in water consumed by women. Researchers also asked the women to write down what foods are eaten in 3 days before the urine test.

After counting kadararsenik in drinking water, it turns out the researchers also found that inorganic arsenic levels slightly higher in women who just ate rice as compared with women who did not eat rice.

"Women who eat just half a cup of rice each day will get arsenic same as if they drank one liter of tap water at the maximum allowable EPA limit for arsenic," said Michael S. Bloom, PhD, as reported by WebMD, Wednesday (07/12/2011).

The study showed that rice is likely to be a significant source of arsenic in the diet of pregnant women. "Exposure to arsenic during pregnancy is quite alarming. Arsenic can cross the placental barrier and can harm the developing baby," the researchers said.

USA Rice Federation said that all the arsenic in water is inorganic, the toxic form of arsenic. Some organic arsenic found in rice. Though organic rice is a type of rice that are believed harmless.

Each gram of rice eaten by women was associated with increased 1 percent in the levels of arsenic. One gram is about 48 grains of rice.

"This study really learn about exposure to arsenic, but did not study the effects on health," said Margaret R. Karagas, PhD, a professor of community and family medicine in epidemiology from the Dartmouth Medical School in Lebanon.

Research has linked high levels of arsenic in the pregnant woman to an increased risk of miscarriage. Exposure to arsenic in utero has also been associated with low birth weight in children and increased risk of infant death.

Most cases occur in developing countries, where women have arsenic levels 50-200 times higher than those seen in this study.

The study results have shown that that people with long-term arsenic exposure have a higher risk of skin cancer, lung, and bladder. Arsenic also has been associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Review the results of such research is not meant to prohibit people who eat rice. However, should the people choose the types of rice that they eat.

The study results have found brown rice contains higher levels of arsenic compared with white rice, because the arsenic concentration in the outer layer of rice bran.

The results of these studies are very useful for the development of research on popular staple food widely consumed throughout the world. However, larger studies need to be done again to confirm and support the research.

Further research is also needed to know better about the health effects of arsenic exposure from eating rice.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The characteristics of Taxable Persons High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is needed by the body, but actually without any intake of cholesterol from the outside needs are met properly. Because 80 percent is produced from cholesterol in the body (liver) and 20 percent of the rest of the food.

But unfortunately many people suffered because of high cholesterol diet and lifestyle. Someone said to have normal cholesterol levels if the size is 160-200 mg, while incoming hazardous condition if it is above 240 mg because it can cause a stroke.

People who have high cholesterol sometimes does not show specific symptoms. But there are specific characteristics in people who get high cholesterol are:

1. Pain or stiffness in the back of the head neck.
2. This soreness is also up to the shoulders
3. Leg swelling
4. Easy to accomplish
5. Easy sleepy.

The most accurate way to find out whether people are suffering from high cholesterol or not, of course with the test laboraorium. If cholesterol levels exceed 240 mg, that means already warning that the limit should be lowered.

Someone said to have normal cholesterol levels if the size is 160-200 mg, while incoming hazardous condition if it is above 240 mg because it can cause a stroke.

As quoted LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (06/12/2011), although the high cholesterol itself does not directly cause fatigue, but the conditions that brought about can make people tired alias easier to accomplish.

High cholesterol also have an impact on the body. High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease and blood vessels. The worst risk, fat clots can block blood flow that can lead to death from a heart attack or stroke.

High cholesterol problems experienced by hundreds of millions of people around the world. The main cause is mostly due to food. But there are other causes besides food that you should know.

Seven causes of high cholesterol experienced by most people as reported from is:

1. Daily food
Cholesterol is generally derived from animal fats such as meat goat, though not a few are derived from vegetable fats such as coconut milk and coconut oil. Some foods that are believed to be healthy as long as eggs, also contain lots of cholesterol.

Foods that are too much saturated fat can cause high cholesterol, so it is advised to wisely consume daily diet so as not to excess.

Begin to arrange the food such as beef, lamb, milk, eggs, butter and cheese because they contain saturated fat.

Foods that contain coconut oil, palm oil or butter also has a lot of saturated fat. Saturated fats are also often found in snack foods that contain margarine, cooking oil and the use of cookies.

2. Weight loss
Excess weight not only interfere with performance but more adverse health effects. Being overweight may increase triglycerides and lower HDL (good cholesterol).

3. Less moving
The human body is designed to always move so it is advisable to move much. Consider whether your activities more sitting or sleeping and seldom walk away. Less mobile can increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL (good cholesterol).

4. Age and sex
After reaching the age of 20 years, cholesterol levels tend to rise. In men, cholesterol levels generally continued to increase after age 50 years. In women, cholesterol levels stay will drop during menopause, after which cholesterol tends to be high as in men.

5. Certain diseases
You may have tried to stay away from fatty foods but it is still high cholesterol. Having certain diseases such as diabetes or hypothyroidism can cause high cholesterol.

6. Family history
If one family member had a high cholesterol problem so be careful because you risk having high cholesterol can also occur.

7. Smoke
Smoking can lower your good cholesterol circulating in your body so that only the bad cholesterol. This bad cholesterol if not controlled can be fatal.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Watch out, Stomach Fat Due to Eating Too Fast

In a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, researchers found that women aged 40-50 years who eat too fast tend to be obese than women who ate more slowly.

While in Osaka, researchers from Osaka University to monitor the eating habits of three thousand people and found 84% of men who eat quickly are overweight.

Ian McDonald, professor of metabolic physiology at the University of Nottingham explained that eating too quickly will disrupt the body's mechanism that tells our brain when the stomach is full. "This message takes about 20 minutes after you stop eating to reach your brain," Professor McDonald said, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Researchers at the Medical University of Southern California found that eating in a hurry can also increase the flow of acid into the stomach. The study found that the acid flow increased by 50% so that the digestive tract is overloaded with larger lumps of food, leading to excess stomach acid. Over the past few months, this can lead to digestive diseases, including narrowing of the esophagus, bleeding, or pre-cancerous condition Barrett's esophagus.

According to Dr. Forecast, a consultant from St. digestion. Mark's Hospital London, eating too quickly causing an influx of air into the digestive tract, causing an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach. Normal time to complete the food is about 20 minutes. Occasionally you can stand up during a meal to test how your stomach is full.

"If you feel comfortable with a stomach that is not too full when you stand up, then you have enough to eat," she advises Dr. Forecast to let you know when the right time to quit chewing.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ideal Body Obsession, could endanger lives

Recent research found that half of adolescent girls and a third of teenage boys in England willing to do extreme measures in order to get the perfect body shape and ideal body weight.

The pressure to get the perfect body shape, make one out of 10 teenage boys taking steroids for his body muscular. While one of eight teenage girls to consume slimming drugs or high doses of laxatives in order to slim.

The researchers surveyed 810 adolescents aged 11 to 16 years. The study found that more than 50% of teenage women and 30% of teenage boys comparing their posture by posture other teens they see on TV. 25% of both genders are expressing are willing to do surgery so they can gain posture as they wish.

Rosi Prescott, chief executive of Central YMCA, a charity which commissioned the survey, said: "Young people seem less and less confident with their appearance and body image. There is a growing trend to improve body shape with a quick way that can damage health.

Interestingly, what was once seen as a problem that affects teenage girls now has spread to teenage boys. The root cause of this problem is the pressure on teens to have the ideal body image is an expensive and unrealistic. "

The study was strengthened by the fact, that at the beginning of this year-olds in the UK about 5 years old, was admitted to hospital suffering from anorexia. Today, all party group of British MPs, will initiate an investigation on the importance of body shape for teenagers in the country.

This research will also find out the causes of anorexia, obsession with body shape ideal and motive behind the act of hurting yourself because of the obsession. From the initial survey in 2011, parliament blamed the culture of celebrity, fashion industry, and advertising that encourages young people to get obsessed with the ideal body shape.

Jo Swinson, a member of parliament who will lead the investigation, said that people who perform plastic surgery to get their ideal body shape is often misguided. They try to get into shape like on TV and magazines but these images are computer engineering.

He said, "One way to overcome it is to encourage people to feel confident with their bodies." This study will also involve dieticians, plastic surgeons, nutritionists, and estheticians to obtain evidence about adolescent obsession over their ideal body shape.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 Ways To Burn Calories Slim Body

Losing weight is always synonymous with not eating, even though such an assumption is wrong. Instead, you can lose weight if you keep eating regularly. Jeffrey R Garber, President of the American College of Endocrinology say that you do have to reduce calories to lose weight. However, eating too little can cause your metabolism to slow down and rely on the calories that you provide.

Skipping breakfast or other meals, will make you more hungry than usual so that the portion of food at the next time will be so much more. If you want to diet, you should still eat regular meals with healthy ingredients and in small portions, and switch to wheat or cereal that has a higher fiber content.

Metabolism will continue to slow down with age, no matter whether you're dieting or not. But of course, weight gain can be avoided by diet, exercise or healthy lifestyle choices, so the calories in your body can burn no matter how old you are. Here are some ways you can do to burn calories, as quoted from Womans Day:

1. Increasing Protein

Protein is an excellent source of nutrition for the body. Besides useful for building muscle, eating protein is also able to burn more calories in your body. Brad Schoenfeld, author of The Woman's Home Workout Bible, saying, "20-30% of calories burned to digest the protein in your body. This amount is very high when compared to the calories burned to digest carbohydrates (6-8%) and fat (2 %). "

Schoenfeld explained that every working woman should eat 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Protein you can get from salmon or tuna, beans, chicken, lean beef, and eggs.

2. Drinking Coffee

Drinking coffee or any drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea, is able to burn calories in your body. Caffeine is believed to increase metabolism. In some studies found results that drinking coffee or tea before exercise can improve your rhythm and duration of exercise. Drink coffee or tea to start the day, and before you exercise so that the calories burned will increase.

3. Activity

Light activity such as standing or walking around the office will burn more calories than you just sitting at the computer. Exercising every day with a duration of 30 minutes is important, but if after that you even more silent than the move, then the calories burned even then only in small quantities. So from now on take frequent light activity such as walking, house cleaning, or up and down the stairs to the calories burned in your body is getting the maximum.

4. Eating Fish

Tuna, salmon, mackerel and fish oil is a type of fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids is high enough. Eating these foods will make in your body fat content is lower than if you consume butter, olive oil, or oil of sunflower.

5. Regular exercise and Intensive

With regular exercise, the calories burned will be stable enough. Make a regular schedule for exercise, including duration of time you spend exercising. After successfully undergoing a routine exercise, increase your exercise intensity as well. For example, sit-ups a day 20 times, you can raise as much as 25 times. If you are getting good, add more numbers. Useful addition to burning calories, it can also be used to stabilize the metabolism and keep your body shape.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

25% Women Feel No Need to Diet While Fat

With so many diet tips that do, there are many women who have failed in living it. This failure has many factors, and one of them turns out to assess themselves are the cause.

It was revealed from a survey conducted in the United States. A total of 2,000 women aged 18-25 years gave statements regarding their perception of her shape. Generally they feel okay with excessive weight.

Uniquely as much as 25 percent of women who experience excessive weight admitted to not feel like it. For them, the shape of his body fat is within the normal size and not continue the diet program.

Dr. Mahbubur Rahman, one of the researchers was quoted by the Daily Mail revealed that her perception of her body it also encourages them to have less healthy lifestyles. As a result, it affects the increase in the number of women who are obese.

Friday, December 16, 2011

How To Quickly Get Energy At Sports

With time-intensive activity, we often forget to eat before exercising so that the results obtained are not maximal exercise. But there is an easy way to get energy quickly as well as burn calories faster.

Reported by Dailymail, a new study from the University of Cambridge found the combination of sugar and protein-rich snack is the key. During this time many people consider sugar provides instant energy, but protein that activates orexin cells.

Tues orexin serves to make people wake up and burn calories. When both are consumed at the same time, the glucose (sugar) and amino acids (proteins), they stimulate cell activity and the effect tends to reduce the sugar content is not good.

Dr. Denis Burdakov, head of research, said: "The composition of the diet is very important, we have a target and can activate cells in the body in a simple manner, ie choose the nutrients that enter our bodies."

This study also shows that not all cells in the brain can be activated by certain nutrients. Thus, a restricted calorie intake is not the only thing that should be considered when someone wants to start a diet.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lose Weight Without Diets

Although there are many modes diet can help lose weight, but some of them are considered less effective because it makes you feel less hunger and food intake.

Running a slimming program does not mean that you should reduce your intake of fast food or even eat. If you want to slim the healthy way and not painful, try the following strategies:

1. More to chew

Studies show that the longer time you spend to chew, the less amount of calories you consume. Chewing longer prevent a person to overeat by giving the brain more time to receive signals from a full stomach. It is not only good for digestion, but also helps in limiting your portion sizes. Try to chew your food 35 to 50 times in the mouth.

2. Do not miss breakfast

Dense as any activity or work, you should squeeze in time for breakfast. Remember, your body is not the brain. The body needs to refuel several times each day. If you skip breakfast, you will feel so hungry at lunch time so you tend to overeat or may choose unhealthy foods. Skipping breakfast can slow down the metabolic processes in the body.

3. Concentrating on the food

How many times have you reprimanded by parents not to speak, read or watch TV while eating? Reprimand is not without reason. Because, when you eat while talking or watching television, your brain will not focus on the amount of food you consume and you are more likely to consume more food.

4. Do not cook too long

Cooking food for too long will kill or reduce the amount of nutrients. And when you're not getting enough nutrients, you will not feel satisfied and start looking for an unhealthy snack. To overcome this, try eating more raw foods such as salads, and avoid using the microwave.

5. Consumption of fruit before eating

Encouraged to eat fruit at least 30 minutes before a heavy meal. In this way, the fruit will be digested quickly. Eat fruit when stomach is empty will help detoxify and supply more energy to lose weight.

6. Little to eat, but often

Ideally, you should eat 5-6 times per day. Eat more often better to keep your metabolism to keep working at higher levels throughout the day. But, do not use this rule as an excuse to overeat.

7. Stop eating after 8 pm

Stop eating after 8 pm through is the best way to prevent the habit of snacking in the middle of the night. If you find it difficult to apply it, try drinking a cup of tea or brush your teeth after dinner, and switch your mind off of eating.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Drinking Coffee may Affect Sperm Quality

For those of you men coffee drinker, be careful. Because as quoted from the site nzherald, coffee proved naturally able to influence the quality and quantity of sperm.

Research on the relationship of coffee consumption with the sperm has been done by a group of researchers from the University of Bradford and University of California, Berkeley. The result, simply by drinking just three cups of coffee a day may increase the risk of damage to the sperm the male fans of coffee. As a result of the damage, among others, failed in an egg and gave birth to a child if the child would be born deformed.

According to Dr. Andrew Wyrobek of the University of California, who led the researchers reveal that found men who like to consume a minimum of three cups of coffee a day, have damage to the sperm. In fact, such damage can lead to chromosome damage in sperm fertilized embryo.

Further said, when the sperm were damaged then chances embryo can not develop properly even greater. In fact, the damage can also trigger the death of the embryo. In addition, if the embryos successfully grow and develop the child born will carry a genetic abnormality.

However, until the results of the study was published, Andrew and the team can not explain how kafien could damage the quality and quantity of sperm. However, they were convinced by the fact that pollution and unhealthy lifestyles can affect sperm quality, as well as coffee.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Acupuncture safe for kids

The use of acupuncture as an alternative treatment method to help overcome the health problems of children has not been much done in the country.

Therapies that are part of traditional medicine Tingkok this does seem a bit scary for the patient. Because the treatment uses tiny needles are inserted into the skin surface at a certain point.

Although looks creepy, this method of treatment was assessed tradisionel safe for children. Canadian experts as published in the online edition of the journal Pediatrics, Monday (21/11) stated acupuncture is relatively safe for children as long as it done by a proper and well-trained practitioners.

Kesimpuan was expressed researchers from the University of Alberta after reviewing data from 37 studies on acupuncture for 60 years. These studies involve children from birth until the age of 17 years and examines the link between acupuncture and a variety of cases concerning the bad effects for children.

They found, from 279 cases identified, 253 mild, 25 moderate and one of its serious nature. Serious impacts include bleeding, infection and heart problems and lung.

But researchers said the serious impact that arise relating to sub-standard conditions of care providers, and not a result of acupuncture technique itself. The researchers concluded, in the hands of skilled personnel, acupuncture therapy in children is safe.

Acupuncture itself has been present since thousands of years ago, and traditional Chinese theory states the placement of the needle helps balance the body's energy flow, called "qi". Acupuncture is commonly used to treat a variety of complaints such as headaches, migraines, back and joint pain, cramps, and nausea caused by chemotherapy. In the United States, the practice of acupuncture in children has been done with a number of estimates per year reached 150 thousand children.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Natural Beverage Lowering Hypertension

There are two risk factors related to the emergence of high blood pressure (hypertension) which can not be controlled ie, age and family history of disease (genetics). However, you can still intervene against other risk factors by making smarter choices, such as physically active, reducing sodium intake, and eating a healthy and balanced menu.

In addition, you also can lower the risk of hypertension in a different way that is a natural drink. Here is a 6 (six) drinks that may contribute to decreased blood pressure, especially in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

1. Low-fat milk

How it works: Calcium deficiency has long been associated with high blood pressure. High calcium intake can help lower high blood pressure. But keep in mind, it is very important to choose the right type of milk for best results. Low-fat milk is very rich in calcium than full fat milk. Modest amount of fat can help you absorb calcium more easily.

Suggestion: As part of the ritual healthful, three servings of low fat milk shown to reduce systolic blood pressure.

2. Rosella flower tea

How it works: Like the pomegranate juice, rosella flower (hibiscus) contain bioactive phytochemicals that act as a natural ACE inhibitor. One study showed that roselle tea is very effective in lowering blood pressure as captopril - a drug commonly used to treat hypertension and heart failure.

Suggestion: In one widely publicized study, three servings of hibiscus tea can lower systolic blood pressure significantly prehypertension subjects. Drink three cups a day for maximum results mendaptkan.

3. Pomegranate juice

How it works: ACE is an enzyme that increases blood pressure by creating a protein called angiotensin II, which causes blood vessels to contract. Pomegranate juice acts as a natural ACE inhibitors, similar to the type of drug commonly prescribed to treat hypertension and heart failure.

In one case mentioned, pomegranate juice can reduce the ACE by 36 percent and lowered systolic blood pressure as well. Even some recent studies indicate significantly, the benefits of pomegranate to reduce arterial plaque (up to 30 percent) and increases blood flow to the heart.

Suggestion: Jonny Bowden, one nutritionist recommended to drink six ounces (177 milliliters) of pomegranate juice every day without a sweetener.

4. Cranberry juice

How it works: Cranberries and cranberry juice has anti-inflammatory and powerful antioxidant that helps prevent and reduce damage in blood vessels, thus preventing an increase in blood pressure are undesirable. In addition, cranberry juice can help reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and improve blood flow.

Suggestion: There is no standard recommendation to consume cranberry juice as part of the daily regimen.

5. Water

How it works: Drinking water is a simple, inexpensive, healthy and most effective way to help lower blood pressure. Chronic dehydration causes the blood vessels contract so that makes the heart work harder, and ultimately lead to spikes in blood pressure.

Tip: Most people probably have often heard the advice that said to drink eight glasses per day. But for a more personalized approach, can be adjusted to your weight. How: weight divided by two (but in the form of an ounce). For example, people with a weight of 150-pounds, or about 68 kg of water intake must meet needs at least 75 ounces or about 2 liters per day.

6. Bit juice

How it works: The fruit bits are a good source of potassium and folate, two substances that are important to regulate blood pressure. Selian it, fruit bits also mengadung nitrate, which is converted to nitrite when absorbed by the body. Nitrite efficacious create muscle tissue to relax and reduce blood flow. Fruit bits can naturally help the health of blood vessel function and against homocysteine, which can damage blood vessels.

Suggestion: Some research indicates consumption of one or two cups of beet juice every day can lower blood pressure significantly in the short amount of time that is approximately one hour after ingestion. British study also states that beet juice is as effective as tablets nitrate in controlling hypertension.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Chocolate for Health Benefits

Benefits of chocolate that was already in the know many many people and made ​​lots of chocolate variety of processed foods and beverages you taukah chocolate for health benefits

Here are some chocolate for health benefits:

* Brown to capture the free radicals from the body. The benefits of chocolate are obtained due to the high content of antioxidants in chocolate (3 x more than green tea).
* Chocolate can reduce cholesterol in the blood.
* Chocolate can prevent heart disease and cancer.
* Cocoa can prevent high blood pressure and stroke.
* Chocolate as a source of nutrients and vitamins that are essential for body health.

Once we know that the benefits of chocolate so much, you may consider to include chocolate as an option in your daily dish. For tips on the cover, should you eat chocolate that contains cocoa (cocoa beans) are high to obtain the maximum benefits of chocolate. Thus the tips may be useful.