Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Caring for Teeth To Stay Healthy

To keep the teeth remain in good health, provide the nutrients needed by the whole structure of the teeth and gums. As a form of daily care, you should try the following tips:

1. Avoid foods that are sticky on the teeth, because it will leave spots.

2. If you often get a sore tooth, you should always brush your teeth after the meal was over.

3. When brushing your teeth, rub the right way.

4. If you experience vomiting, immediately brush your teeth and rinse thoroughly. Vomit fluid is mixed with stomach acid. If stomach acid is attached to the teeth in a long time, that is what will be the cause of cavities.

5. The main key to dental health care is cleanliness.

6. Avoid drinks or foods that are too hot or cold.

7. Do not get used to clean up leftover food in your teeth using a toothpick.

8. Clean your teeth twice daily using a toothbrush and toothpaste.

8. Try brushing your teeth for 3 minutes, every time you clean your teeth.

9. Rub the brush slowly so as not to damage the sensitive gums.

10. Rub all parts of the tooth, not least on the inside of the tooth.

11. Do not forget to brush your tongue and palate to eliminate bacteria.

12. Consult a dentist regularly to the dentist every six months.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Healthy Diet to Lose Weight

A healthy diet to lose weight the way, namely by eating foods "4 healthy 5 perfect" and assisted with light exercise. A healthy diet, you should not eliminate the meal, breakfast, lunch, and afternoon, is still being done. In the morning, a small piece of bread, oatmeal, is sufficient to support the fiber and nutrients for the body to start the day.

A healthy diet to lose weight by eating foods that do not work too contain oils such as fried foods. If you can select the menu for breakfast foods that are high in fiber and drink orange juice plus. If you like a drink of milk, you should also not select a full cream. Please drink consumption of low fat milk.

For lunch, eat ¼ or ½ servings of rice and vegetables also contain enough carbohydrates. Before eating and after, drink water first, or a piece of fresh fruit, even this Sunnah. According to research, drinking or eating fruit before eating, will inhibit the absorption of cholesterol into the blood, and would "glut" our stomach so as not to overeat.

Eat slowly way. And do not forget to multiply drinking water, many people can not distinguish between thirst and hunger, when thought was hungry (though, actually thirsty), you will consume the food (which actually does not need you consume), how to test it, that drinking a glass of water and wait up to 10 minutes to find out if you are still hungry. If yes then you are really hungry.

Eat your way slowly (Why Americans are more susceptible to obesity than the French? The answer, not only because Americans are eating more, but also because the French people really enjoy their food in every chew, so tend to eat slowly), it This causes the stomach will feel full faster which in turn helped to suppress appetite and eating.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, try this trick: Put a spoon or fork while you're chewing, drinking mineral water after each chew, and chew food a few times before swallowing. Use a smaller plate. Custom in our country is spending food presented on a plate, regardless of the number of calories of food and size of these plates. As a workaround, use smaller plates. You'll feel full with less food.

One great when most of us have argued that a healthy diet to lose weight applies only to lose weight, it's main diet is to achieve a fit and healthy body. As per the saying "You are What You Eat". If your main goal to lose weight healthy blood money, you will be willing to eat foods that are less good. Compared with good food that is often hidden behind the negative things. Limit carbohydrates.

Dinner, the good done around 5 pm until 7 pm. Fruit or eating foods high in protein, eg fish, is the best dinner option to control body weight. This is because protein makes you full longer. If you want to eat carbs, avoid simple, because it is more likely to be stored as fat rather than used as energy. Water content and high fiber, also contain vitamins and nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help the health and vitality of the body as a whole.

Switch from simple carbohydrates to complex carbohydrates. Eat less white bread and white rice, eat more wheat (bread wheat or rice grain). Wheat able to provide long-term energy and provide satiety longer because it has high fiber content. Drink a multivitamin if you feel the nutrients you consume less.

A healthy diet helped you lose weight by exercising good, because for burning calories. Exercise can also increase metabolism. It did not take long and only mild exercise such as climbing stairs 3 × 10 minutes a day is enough to make your body healthy.

And do not forget to sleep enough. Lack of sleep can be at high risk of obesity because it makes the body feel hungry. The good sleep about 8 hours a day. Avoid sleeping with a full stomach condition / full, because it can result not good for health.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

Healthy foods for pregnant women, among others, need an average of 2200 ± calories (9500kJ) per day, so that maternal and fetal health. For mothers who are pregnant, it is to consider food to be consumed. Healthy foods for pregnant women are also advised to food that is cooked, especially undercooked eggs should not be eaten, because it feared contain salmonella bacteria that can harm the fetus.

Raw foods such as fresh vegetables, sushi, steak undercooked lebik best avoided. Also avoid soft cheeses, milk is not sterilized or pasta because it was feared that contain the bacteria listeria can cause miscarriage.

Milk is also very good for pregnant women, because it contains calcium. Choose pregnant milk containing folic acid and other vitamins, such as "skim milk". Healthy foods for pregnant women are also advised to consume green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, beans are very good for pregnant women. Mom can also eat potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and beans.

Healthy foods for pregnant women one of which is fruit. Fruit is also very important, such as apples, oranges, grapes, tomatoes should be washed thoroughly before eating terlebihdahulu. Foods that maternal food (try) must contain calcium, protein, vitamin C, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin A, folic acid, and iron.

Avoid lots of snacking on unhealthy food (junk food) because it will make the weight of the mother during pregnancy increases a lot, so it will be difficult to lower it after childbirth.

You start eating healthy food from now than beneficial for the mother is also very helpful maternal fetal growth. Healthy foods for pregnant women I think is very easy to get.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Healthy Eating for Kids

Children need a certain portion of the variation of nutrients in accordance with nutritional guidelines to support the growth stage. Diet of children have been established early on (in addition to the nutrients in his diet).

What has been or will be eaten by the toddler's depends what has been presented by her parents. Make it a habit since childhood of children should be introduced with fish and vegetables, because if not introduced, will make the child hard to love healthy food when he was an adult.

"Parents have an important role to give examples of nutritionally adequate and balanced food for the family habits will affect the diet of children," said dr.Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, a nutritionist from the Clover Clinic Jakarta.

Healthy diet for children should be established early and require a long process & tenacity parents. "You have to be creative in introducing healthy eating habits in children," said Fiastuti. There are 3 things to watch out for the parents especially the mother to form the diet of children.


Eat according to the needs calories, less guns & more guns. Children who weigh 1-10 kg, it takes 100 calories / kilogram body weight. While children whose weight is 10-20 kg took 50 calories / kilogram body weight (plus 1000 calories).


Carbohydrates, vegetable and animal protein, fruits, vegetables, fats and milk that must be met because it is a nutritional need. Quickly so that children like the food, the diet should be equated with children menu for families so that children get bored guns. Which must be distinguished may be only a sense of spiciness.


Parents should make a regular eating schedule. 2x & 3x main meal snack is time to eat children. Children should be accustomed to breakfast because breakfast also serves as preparation for energy before the move. Involve children in meal, it's highly recommended. With this activity the child can see the eating habits and proper procedures.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Make Natural Hair Beautiful Views

Making the hair to always look beautiful and easy to set up, it is not always to the salon. You can do yourself at home. Having a beautiful and lustrous hair can not be done only with usual care. However, you still can do it yourself, using traditional materials are cheap and certainly safer. In addition to care from the outside by using traditional materials, you should also eat foods that are truly needed by the body and hair.

Advances in technology have managed to find that the quintessence of nature can be developed has become essential ingredients for hair and skin care products. Following traditional materials in question.

1. Seaweed (Algae)

Seaweed contains many minerals that can be used to regulate oil production from the glans and supplies food ingredients essential to hair follicles.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural substance commonly used for treatment of hair because it can provide moisture and meperkuat cell structure. Mucus from the stem leaves can be directly utilized by applied evenly on the scalp to avoid the rapid production of excessive oil on the scalp. In addition, aloe vera is also beneficial to cool the scalp and relieve symptoms of itching of the influence of irritation.

3. Hazelnut

Hazelnuts can increase the density of black color on the hair, while providing luster and fineness of hair.

4. Green tea

The green is very useful for soothing the scalp, dandruff avoid the attack, and is useful as an antioxidant that frees hair from free radicals.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Improve concentration

To get the atmosphere that can improve concentration, you can choose colors to stimulate it. For example, choose bright colors and fresh, let's say a piece of watermelon. Watermelon red color can trigger the release of adrenalin which can generate energy.

In addition, you also can find a more beautiful scenery and cool, green plants such as rice or stretch of river. The color green can beat the brains of neglectful stress waves to beta waves are calm and make your mental state is ready to concentrate.

Meanwhile, to improve concentration in children, multiply to take vitamin C. According to the British study, children who consume more vitamin C has the ability to remember a sharper than children who consume less vitamin C.

Vitamin C is believed to relieve stress hormones in children exceeds 30%. The research revealed that oatmeal breakfast can improve concentration in children up to 20%. This is due to oatmeal can prevent the decline of energy that can eventually cause the brain is difficult to think clearly.