Saturday, October 25, 2008

Perlis and Kedah – Malaysia’s Rice Bowl States

A visit to Perlis and Kedah will reveal a land of serene natural beauty surrounded by the greenery of padi during the planting season and golden hues at harvest time.

From Ipoh northwards, rounded limestone hills rise above the padi or rice fields. Caves are found within many of these hills, with several being open to visitors. Caves accessible to the adventurous include Gua Kerbau in Kedah, Gua Kelam and caves in the Perlis State Park (PSP).

Bukit Kayu Hitam is the main entry point for vehicles from Thailand. Other entry points are Padang Besar (by train) and Wang Kelian.

Notable landmarks in Alor Star, Kedah’s capital are the Zahir Mosque with its distinctive black dome and Balai Nobat which houses the instruments of the Royal Orchestra.

Alor Star can be reached via air and rail from Kuala Lumpur.

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