Monday, January 19, 2009

City Destinations – Makassar

Makassar, capital of south Sulawesi, the once famed Celebes, is a land of surprises. It is the gateway to the entry point of the famous Torajaland sited deep in the fertile plateaus of Sulawesi. The exceptional Torajan culture, including their animistic burial rites, makes this region one of the most fascinating wonders in all of Indonesia.

Traditionally a great sea-faring people who trace back to the mighty maritime empire of Srivijaya, the local Bugis are well known for their ship-building expertise. Places of interest include the Amsterdam Castle, a Dutch fortress; the old palace which is now the Ballompoa Museum; Malino, a serene resort 2,500 ft above sea level; Takapala Waterfall; towns like Bontain, Jeneponto and Takalar whose names are recorded in Chinese maritime records; Barongbong is noted for its fascinating – there are several cave tombs with effigies of the dead suspended from their balconies.

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